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Best Water Activities in and around New York City
At The Public Pool

Swiping black skins viscous as turtle licks
Water spit in arcs by euro boys, by brown boys
Stealing slick glances at lifeguard legs
Swooshing below the carbonated foam
At the public pool

Contrary to public opinion at Shorewood
(Members Only. Seven hundred per family)
There are no riots at the public pool
Tasers unholstered nor dogs unleashed
At the public pool

No “Where do you live?”  No report cards
Or talk of college visits. The children simply
Believe in water, the water is everywhere
Your kids are everywhere in the world
At the public pool

Mothers in lots of skin, tattooed, puffing
Two-pieced acumen on the shrewd grass
Their children’s toes are getting raw
On reduced ticket prices with a free hot dog
At the public pool

When guards blow whistles they scan the bottom
As the surface grows to glass and everyone
Slick and full and burned dreams of Dollar Tree
Benidiciones de pura vida de la piscina
At the public pool

Squeal if you want, watch the glistening flesh
Freedom and goosebumps and cigarette smoke
Just hide it under your towel and you can dunk
Under the same ochre sun
At the public pool