From Here to There, and Back Again
I found an antique door to match
The others upstairs and finally got it hung
In my 121 year old home
With some penache
Restoring something to its
A cause celebre, or chasing after the wind
Says King Solomon. Nonetheless
I’m looking up
The neck muscles groan a little
And a headache comes on, but the tangles
of the hammock don’t keep me from
Rocking a while
With another cup of coffee
Remembering what responsibility was
When the kids were young, when rocking
Was not for me
It would all be capacious, this space
of life
Except that the man on the internet cautions
To carry a load heavy enough
To hurt a little
Even if you’re taking up a burden
From here to there, and back again
To fog the lense, the omniscient lense
Of your pathos
And so, I have hung a door
With precision, drilled the latch strike, refurbished
The dusty innards of the mortise lock to click snug
Shut like 1904
If only I could stop remembering
The laughter, going back and forth to Minneapolis
And the resolute smile of the woman
I loved
The others upstairs and finally got it hung
In my 121 year old home
With some penache
A cause celebre, or chasing after the wind
Says King Solomon. Nonetheless
I’m looking up
And a headache comes on, but the tangles
of the hammock don’t keep me from
Rocking a while
Remembering what responsibility was
When the kids were young, when rocking
Was not for me
Except that the man on the internet cautions
To carry a load heavy enough
To hurt a little
From here to there, and back again
To fog the lense, the omniscient lense
Of your pathos
With precision, drilled the latch strike, refurbished
The dusty innards of the mortise lock to click snug
Shut like 1904
The laughter, going back and forth to Minneapolis
And the resolute smile of the woman
I loved