All Is Heiwa
You have had to wait
For the midpoint of your lifespan
To learn about Horaijima, island of
Everlasting happiness
Paradise Island
So very close, yet, as they say
You will never get there alive
With all there is behind
Behind you, desire
Across silences, a line of ripples
As eight geese caress the waters
In a line of purpose
Intrinsically paddling
Around and around Horaijima
White and black and mottled
And you notice, blinking
At their offering: A collective
Swimming salute to the banks
Across from Paradise
Where powerful black pine
The bonsaid pinus thunbergia
Poke the sun that follows the path
Of the curving shore
You may not see Horaijima
So close it is so far, its sugi, straight
Cedar Into sky. However, your body
Curves against mine
On the banks of Keiunto
Island of the Auspicious Cloud
Where all is heiwa, all is heiwa
Again, heiwa
For the midpoint of your lifespan
To learn about Horaijima, island of
Everlasting happiness
So very close, yet, as they say
You will never get there alive
With all there is behind
Across silences, a line of ripples
As eight geese caress the waters
In a line of purpose
Around and around Horaijima
White and black and mottled
And you notice, blinking
At their offering: A collective
Swimming salute to the banks
Across from Paradise
The bonsaid pinus thunbergia
Poke the sun that follows the path
Of the curving shore
So close it is so far, its sugi, straight
Cedar Into sky. However, your body
Curves against mine
Island of the Auspicious Cloud
Where all is heiwa, all is heiwa
Again, heiwa