Forgetting where you are could be anywhere or nowhere

Calacatta Gold Marble Honed 12x24" Subway Floor and Wall Tile
It’s All There Is, In India

Sometimes in India
Forgetting where you are
Could be anywhere
Or nowhere, in Kushinigar
From the bus window:
Slow man on a pink, beat bike
A baby rides a lean woman’s hip
Agile dogs mount in a trash ditch
With plastic signs of commerce                  
Everywhere without commerce      
Anywhere on planet earth

After 5 weeks, you are alert
To the location of your bag
In the universe, your gaze,
Passport. Is anyone lurking
The station besides that confident rat?
Where are your feet? How crazy is he?
Are you attracting attention?
Does your crossed leg show too much sole?
How is your odor from the monsoon sweat?
Are you hungry? Did you take a malaria pill?
Alone makes one obsessed with self

Then it occurs to you:  You
Are an insect with giant oval eyes
Alert in the flickering light
Preening yourself, exposed
Alert for predators
Aware of the mopping man
Transforming tiles in swirls
With a glee that comes from
Illusion, or pills, or conviction
That the moment of now
Is all there is

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