It's a wonder that neural synapses do not more often resemble missfiring seizures. Ordered as they are, how can we light fires to the pathways of awe and love to counterbalance the daily patterns of the human condition?

Dear organ dancing brain,

Conjure me a tongue [for song]
Angelic choir dragon stilt tall
Harmon-I-zing sure and fire-drawn
Catapulted novel courage sure

Songed-up chanced and rung
Caroled flung fit honey glad
Chanted slack-jawed wildrippedbright
Bursting comely, glad-green

Alight loud hollered emerald
Piqued stone clear still
Corpus christening zazen pink
Holy pewed cool-told-deer

Absolut moment NOW
Gland watered blued heights
Starry nude-far-dancing
Tickled bird nesty glee

Ripe sugar-banging song, Brain, 
May I bite a song long unwritten
Warble careening loud earthy rich
Strummed deep in the secret cave