Do not look up nor down. Look out.

Conversion Will Squander Blood 

When I was a Christian, a Christian
Told me about Christ, how to be
Saved.  I interrupted, told him who
I was.  There must be some mistake
In his eyes, a bent glow of conversion

Conversion, the sinner’s prayer
Bible study, onus and sin and
Feeling up Laurie Smith on the roof
Of the church while taillights on the 101  
Unzipped below, squandering

Squandering the Holy Spirit, prayer
Forgiveness, tithing my teen job to
Missions, for famines, for heaven
I don’t mean to be pedantic; worship
Your idols and demigods at will

His eyes rose porcelain and wide
To heaven and told me, “I’ll pray for you”
My devil’s horns rose, stabbing
Through his buffered soul, sucking
His bumptious Armegeddon blood

Blood lines are befuddling when born
Into a suit of human flesh. If you are
Ready you may open your eyes
Bring your attention fully back to earth
Do not look up nor down.  Look out

Written on the night train down to New Orleans in the observation car.

He's Told All Heals By Prayer But That Is Wrong

He's told all heals by prayer but that is wrong
The horse--emaciated--tells the sky
Its mane dances swiftly in a leap
All it sees is free but lands awry

A country croons unzipping North to South
In steel rhythms clipping over tracks
Wondering with fire what will peak out
Cold to hot they scream to carry black

Tangled limbs misguided from the bogs
Branches lusting crowded into clouds
Over skeleton of horse with broken form
Moonlit twisting thrusts above the cars

A boy sees all he needs from on his back
Under a blanket of dark is bliss
Hopping trains is calmer and relaxed
What we get away from is relative

Grain elevators sway abandoned in the air
Rust built towering above the sticks
Power plant looms across Jackson’s tracks
Hunkered up with metal upon bricks

Entering Yazoo City where a stork winds
Down its head in saccharine slumber
He curls warm and low in riveted bowl
While whistles go unnoticed in a blur

There is no wisdom past this murky hour
As station man pulls his humble lever
His peace is pummeled by a scrape
As gravity of stone surrounds his quiver

He wasn’t fifteen but loaded with pursuit
If only he could squirm to keep aloft
Not even swagger crushed his wince as
His steel room filled high with rock

If he could keep his chest above it all
And hold his breath into the night
Who would guess a burial by coal when
Like Vesuvius, dust turns to fright?

We wonder where boys who wander off
Have gone and dream to spot them in the sky
Though they are never far from us, we
Breathe their dust and burn them into light