Remember nothing about this

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A Murder

Blanket your stupidity with leaves
Whisper, “Stay silent. Don’t move.”
Grab a shovel with all your force
And thrust it down to kill it quick.

Ignorance will moan. Maybe rise up
In reflex: Swing again. Chop through it
Murder it well, wise one, and sing
Until you sleep away its groans

Remember nothing about this
Moment. No use, recollection
Just float a lily on the water
Read another poem about water

Before it stinks, turn away
Don’t even think of the afterlife
How corpses rise boney white         
From the mulch, begging for water

For an ax, a spade or a shovel
Do not look out the window
Below the tree limb--the hole
With an impression of ignorance

Lock the door. Use the chain
Draw a bath. Close your eyes
Pull the plug. Watch the swirl-
Down of mud ooze with leaves
Contain your screaming. Recognize
All your options you do not have
Ruminate over it for years
Tell yourself you have risen

Risen above the matter
While lowering yourself still
Below the surface where ears
Trickle like caves with water